Intergenerational Ensemble


Ages 18 to 88

Join a community of actors and non-actors! Working with with YET’s signature longform improv games, participants sharpen their ability to live fully and innovatively in their work as actors while also building their interpersonal skills. Engage in hilarity and community connection with this ongoing program.

MONDAYS: 7:00 – 8:30 PM

  • March 4, 11, 18, 25
  • April 1, 8, 15, 22
  • May 6, 13
  • Program Fee: $250

Nuts & Bolts:

  • Monday evening adult long-form improv group led by Amy Poux (BIO).
  • Requirements? Adult actors, non actors & wannabe actors are welcome.
  • Why do it? There is so much research about the value of adult play, our need to connect, let off steam, take a break from adult roles. We will really just have fun, play, invent. This is a low-stress creative environment.



Teen and adult actors work with text and build techniques for working with dialogue and monologues in preparation for professional work and college-application auditions. Actors increase emotional range and the ability to respond authentically, as well as build believable characters.

MONDAYS: 6:00 – 7:00 PM
March 4, 11, 18, 25
April 1, 8, 15, 22
May 6, 13, 20

Program Fee: $275

Intergenerational Ensemble excerpt from “After Life”.

This original theater production, After Life, was an unscripted long-form improvisation, created by a multigenerational theater ensemble. The play uses magical realistic to juxtapose daily and after life of a broken family. Directed by Amy Poux, featuring (In order of appearance): Jean Graber, Zoe Levy-Serrano, (the late) Herb Rosenfeld, Nancy Graham, Eugene Krochovy, and Ric Cousin.

Excerpt from the original theater production, Bound, an unscripted long-form improvisation, created by the Intergenerational Ensemble. Directed by Amy Poux, featuring actors Zoe Levy-Serrano, Ali McKersie, and Rick Lange.

“The theater, when it is potent enough to deserve its ancestry, is always dangerous; that is why it is instinctively feared by people who do not want change, but only preservation of the status quo.” — Hallie Flanagan, Federal Theater Project

Intergenerational Ensemble (I.E.) produces long-form devised theater pieces that engage the audience, create connection, and foster community.  I. E. programs are designed to be accessible to actors and non-actors, and open to ages 19 to 90. 

Why do it?

From the work of Bertolt Brecht in Nazi Germany to Augusto Boal in the migrant fields of Brazil, and Hallie Flanagan’s Federal Theater project, theater has been used to agitate change.  The Intergenerational Ensemble aims to create social change through live theatrical spectacles that inspire community discourse and engagement, decrease social alienation, and provide a forum for hope, awareness, and unity, particularly for marginalized citizens.

What is it? 

Using YET’s long-form improvisational approach, Intergenerational Ensemble creates live improvised works that shine a light on the complexity of human interactions and invite spectators to play along.  Actors of all ages populate stores, theaters, restaurants, streets and create theater to forge change, awareness, and collective community voice.